手と手とto remember love

to remember loveについて真面目に考えるのは時間の無駄


Remembering The Loved One You Lost As You Walk the Lotus Gardens【電子書籍】[ Victoria D Schmidt ]

<p>This little book is all about love, loss and hope. You have lost someone dear to you. Though you have family and friends to comfort you, you are overwhelmed with grief, sadness and emptiness. You feel so very much alone. I know, for I lost my beloved more than a decade ago and there are times I still shed tears for him. The exquisite lotus and discerning passages of poetry in this volume are designed to help you through your grief and bring back treasured memories of the loved one who has left you. I was inspired by the elegance of the lotus to reveal and blend its beauty, spirituality and promise with stirring messages of solace and hope. The lotus symbolizes the beauty and spiritual awakening of the ancient religions and cultures of Buddhism, Hinduism and Egyptology. The flower is known for its purity since it emerges from murky waters pure and clean in the morning as a symbol of the sun, rebirth and creation. The colors of the lotus represent the best qualities of life. The blue lotus signifies victory of spirit over wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; the white lotus, mental purity and spiritual perfection; purple/lavender, nobility and self-awakening; pink, truth; and red is the heart, love and compassion. You may read this little book again and again, any time, anywhere. Consider sitting on a garden bench near a lotus pond and let the magic of this sacred flower bring you happy memories, peace and hope.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

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