手と手とto remember love

to remember loveについて真面目に考えるのは時間の無駄


Our Deceased Loved Ones Communicating with Us They Just Want to Be Remembered【電子書籍】[ Ted Baxter ]

<p>This book summarizes seventy of my honoring-the-dead books that I was directed to write by the dead. The dead would direct me in my dreams, usually within a week after they die, to write a book for their loved ones. They would tell me what to write, what photographs to use, and to whom to send the book. This is the reason why I had decided to publish this book. The dead dont forget you after they die. Dont forget them. People dont change after they die. Ive had many good experiences and a few very bad experiences with them. If I was able to communicate with the dead, you can to. Its a very interesting story how I had acquired this capability, which I discussed in this book. I was not born with that capability. I also discuss two of my prior lifetimes, which have also helped me communicate with the dead. These are all things that I suggest that you know about. It all helps, like it has helped me. Its all true, and it can be verified in the seventy books that I have written. This book summarizes what is in those seventy books. This book gives a number of examples that nothing happens by accident. You can be whatever you want to be. I did it, and you can do it too. In this lifetime, I meet my mother in my 1620 AD lifetime, who had given me my current capabilities.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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